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Mission: 23 NOV 2024 – LMHA – Evacuation Day
Date(s) - 23 Nov 2024
1100 - 1600
We will be the guests of the LMHA for lunch at Fraunces Tavern after the mission, so attendance is strongly encouraged!
WHO: FM, CG, ALL VCA in good standing
WHAT: 234th Evacuation Day Parade and Flag Raising
WHERE: Bowling Green and Fraunces Tavern
WHEN: Saturday, 23 November 2024 – event muster NLT 1030 at USCG parking lot – see details below from LTC Capra
HOW: Request CG with flags, SGM Clohessy will confirm
OIC/NCOIC: LTC Capra / SGM Clohessy
PARKING at USCG: As a reminder, spacing is limited. Carpooling is recommended where practical. Parking at U.S. Coast Guard facility is AUTHORIZED but must be requested.
Forward your parking request to LTC Capra ASAP for processing. Your parking request must include:
- Rank, Name of owner/operator
- Year, Make, Model (2dr/4dr) sedan/subn, color of vehicle
- License plate number and state (please include if “specialty plate”- VFW, NY GUARD, etc.)
More details from LTC Capra:
- The permit request for Evacuation Day flag raising at Bowling Green on Saturday, 23 November 2024 has been APPROVED and issued to the VCASNY under NYC Parks Department.
- The mission time has been formulated in cooperation with the Lower Manhattan Historical Association (LMHA).
1030: VCA muster USCG parking lot for duty assignments and placement
1130: Official formation at Fraunces Tavern
1145: March parade route along Broadway to Bowling Green
1200: Retiring of British flag and raising of the American flag
1215: Remarks by officials
1230: Reformation of Color Guard and return March to Fraunces Tavern
1300: Public event concludes. Lunch for Corps and others at Fraunces Tavern
- Members of Golds Dragoons will act as the British component and accept return of the flag to the crown.
Registrations are closed for this event.