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The Veteran Corps of Artillery is a 224+ year Historic Military Command serving both our Military and New York State. As one of the NINE Historic Military Organizations established by an Act of Congress, the Corps welcomes your company as a partner in its efforts to preserve the military heritage of the State of New York and to support military activities in the State upon request.
Request a Mission or Program
The Corps volunteers and executes Battery and Color Guard missions for the military at no cost. Some veteran organization events are also executed at no cost to the organization. Please contact us for details if you are a member of a civilian organization and would like the Corps to provide a ceremonial battery firing mission, or a color guard for your event.
The VCASNY is a volunteer organization that depends on the donations of supporters like yourself. If you or your organization is well positioned to provide a charitable, tax deductible donation, please feel free to use our donation option below. Your kind donation is tax deductible. The VCASNY thanks you for your support.