First Lady sorts ‘Toys for Tots’

On December 17, 2010, Michelle Obama joined with Military and civilian volunteers in D.C. to sort gifts for the Marine Corps Reserve’s “Toys for Tots” foundation. Toys for Tots is a program which collects and distributes holiday gifts for children who are underprivileged.

She noted that servicemembers’ families play a huge role in making the program work.”It is just another tribute to the hard work that our military families put into this country, after already sacrificing so much for this country,” she stated. The idea for Toys for Tots was thought of more than 60 years ago by a Marine reservist and his wife. After wrapping the gifts to be given out to the children, she said to the group, “We’re so proud of the work you do for the country and the fact that you are putting it all out for kids across this country. We couldn’t do it without your leadership.”

Obama wanted to help out as much as she could. “We’ve been collecting toys from our staff, and today we brought as many as we could fit into one [vehicle], but there’s still more to come,” she said. She encourages people to donate to this program not only for little kids, but for pre-teens and teens. She noted it is now possible to contribute online at

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