Mission: Nathan Hale Commemoration, 20 September 2019

Date(s) - 20 Sep 2019
1100 - 1330

City Hall


Mission: Nathan Hale Commemoration

What: NYC official commemoration of Nathan Hale Day. The VCA participates with a Color Guard and presents a wreath.

When: Friday, 20 September 2019. Report NLT 1100. Event starts at 1200 and lasts about an hour.

Where: City Hall Park in front of City Hall

UOD: Parade Dress, White Pants, Accoutrements

Why: Nathan Hale is an American patriot who, when hanged by the British, famously said ‘I only regret that I have but one life to give for my country’

NCOIC: MSG Steven Clohessy


Registrations are closed for this event.
