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Drill 28 April 2019 1100hrs – D&C/Battery Ops/Customs & Courtesies
Date(s) - 28 Apr 2019
1100 - 1400
Fort Hamilton
Who – All VCA in good standing, Firing Battery and prospective members
What – Gunline Operations, Drill and Ceremony, Customs and Courtesies
This Drill as well as the ones TBA prior to our busy Salute/Mission Season are open to ALL members. Drill and Ceremony is a perishable skill regardless of rank or position, and it is encouraged for everyone to brush up prior to our high profile Missions.
Where – Fort Hamilton warehouse (Bowling Alley parking lot)
When – 28 April 2019 1100hrs
Uniform -ACU/OCP, Civilian Attire
NOTE: Please keep in mind that anytime we are in uniform or on a Military Installation all have to be compliant with AR/DA PAM 670-1 grooming standards
Registrations are closed for this event.